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Claims Centre ltd T/AS General Auto Services  (GAS)  are committed to providing a high quality of Claims Management Services to all our clients. When something goes wrong we need to know about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
You can complain by one of the following means:


Writing to
Complaints Department

General Auto Services

Citygate House

250 Roamford Road


E7 9HZ

Telephone: 020 8555 1212





1. Complaints may be made in writing, by e-mail, by telephone or any other form in respect of a claims management service that we have provided and that is regulated under the Compensation Act 2006.


2. We reserve the right to decline to consider a complaint that is made more than six months after you became aware of the cause of the complaint. There may be instances where we will waive this requirement at our discretion. We will confirm to you in writing if a complaint has been made outside the time limit that we are prepared to consider.


3. We will send you a written or electronic acknowledgement of a complaint within five business days of receipt, identifying the person who will be handling the complaint. Wherever possible, that person will not have been directly involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint, and will have authority to settle the complaint.


4. Within four weeks of receiving a complaint, we will send you either: a) a final response which adequately addresses the complaint; or b) a holding response, which explains why we are not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and indicates when we will make further contact with you.


5. Within eight weeks of receiving a complaint we will send you either: a) a final response which adequately addresses the complaint; or b) a response which: (i) explains why we are still not in a position to make a final response, giving reasons for the further delay and indicating when we expect to be able to provide a final response; and (ii) informs you that you may refer the handling of the complaint to the Claims Management Regulator if you are dissatisfied with the delay.


6. Where we decide that redress is appropriate, we will provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible and will comply with any offer of redress which you accept. Appropriate redress will not always involve financial redress.




General Auto Services is a trading name of Claims Centre Ltd registered in England Reg No: 05167622


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